April 1, 2023 Call To Action: Email Request For Info About NY Grand Jury Pool Selections

Email the following request to Brielle Christian, Assistant Deputy Counsel Freedom Of Information Law (FOIL) Officer. Be sure to include the date, your email address, phone number, and signature at the bottom, where indicated.


Brielle Christian, Assistant Deputy Counsel
FOIL Officer
Office of Court Administration
Agency Building 4 ESP, Suite 2001, 20th Fl
Albany, NY 12223
Sent via email to foil@nycourts.gov

Dear Assistant Deputy Counsel Christian,

I request, pursuant to Article 6 of the New York Public Officers Law, §§ 84-90, copies of the following documents:

Any and all documents containing information pertaining to grand jury pool selections in criminal proceedings in the state and municipal courts of New York, including information pertaining to:

  • any and all computerized equipment and/or hardware used in the process by which grand jurors are randomly selected;
  • any and all software utilized to facilitate the process by which grand jurors are randomly selected;
  • any predictive analytics programming scripts that may be utilized in the process by which grand jurors are randomly selected;
  • any other programming that may be utilized to in the process by which grand jurors are randomly selected through the use of data both private and public involving members of a grand jury pool; and
  • any and all contractual agreements, whether in writing or verbal, between any state agency in New York and a hardware and/or software company regarding equipment/hardware and software/predictive analytics programs to be utilized in the process by which grand jurors are randomly selected.
  • Confirmation or denial that “Crowdstrike” or any of it’s subsidiaries service, monitor, provide or furnish software and or hardware components relating to the grand jury pool selection process.

Please send the documents to me via email in Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Google Doc, or PDF format within five (5) business days of your receipt of this request. If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. If a portion of these documents are exempt from disclosure, provide all segregable portions. If your agency does not maintain any of the requested records, please let me know who does and include the proper custodian’s name and address.

I request a waiver of all fees because the information is not being sought for commercial purposes and its disclosure is in the public interest and will contribute significantly to the public’s understanding of how the public can ensure that the process by which grand jurors are randomly selected is not unconstitutionally and illegally manipulated, which would undermine the integrity of and erode public confidence in the judicial system. However, if there are fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me.

If you have any questions about this request, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at [INSERT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS] or by phone at [INSERT YOUR PHONE NUMBER.]

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Additional information:

To view the New York State Unified Court System Grand Juror’s Handbook, click HERE.